BMB 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sergei Winogradsky, Teichoic Acid, Periplasm

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Exam i: structure, function and metabolism study guide. Properties of all cells vs. some cells. Pasteur understand his experiment and its significance. Permeability barrier (what types of molecules can easily pass through?) Types of transport systems: simple transport, symporter, antiporter, group translocation, abc transporter, periplasmic binding protein (high affinity for substrate, membrane spanning protein, atp-hydrolyzing protein. Characteristics of the pentapeptide attached to nam. Know the differences between a g- and g+ cell wall. Think about appearance (rough vs. smooth), thickness of peptidoglycan layer, presence of other layers or components (lps layer, teichoic acids etc. ) Understand the function of the three components of lps and the function of things that associate with the lps layer (lipoprotein, porins) Know the differences between archaeal pseudomurein and bacterial peptidoglycan. Understand osmosis in reference to bacterial cells. External structures: fimbriae, pili (understand form and function of both) Taxis (understand and be able to explain the different types) Key differences between vegetative cell and endospore.