ANT 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 75 pages long!)

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Ape/human ancestors widespread by 8 million years ago. Appearance likely driven by climate change, led to dietary change (reduced forest, open savannah). Hominid refers to ape-like species with biped locomotion/ habitually walked upright: bipedal locomotion, wide dental arcade, thick tooth enamel, smaller, canines, larger molars. Bones are fact, real fossils that can be dated, placed in time and space. 150,000 specimens of fossilized plant and animal remains. The interpretation is theory (a working model; relationship between fossils and between fossils and between changes and environment). Human-like from waist down, fully adapted for bipedalism. First certain bipeds with human like feet: australopithecines. Laetoli footprints footprints made by 3 individuals at laetoli. Mary leaky and colleagues uncovered a 75 foot long, 3. 5 million year old trail of. All primates are placental mammals: have a live birth. Strong grip and limited movement of thumbs, smaller ribcages. Flat nostrils, more premolars than us and old world monkeys, prehensile tails.