PHIL 2103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Consequentialism, Paternalism, Rationality

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Reading notes kantian perspective part ii (pp. Always treat a human being (yourself included) as an end, and never as a mere means. Humanity all rational and autonomous beings no matter their species. End treating someone with the respect they deserve. Means dealing with the individual so that they help you achieve one of your goals. Kant claimed that we are each rational and autonomous and that these traits justify our special moral status over for example a monkey, shark, daffodil or amoeba. The importance of rationality and autonomy: kant rationality and autonomy support dignity of each human being, explains the immorality of fanatic"s actions, autonomy explains why slavery and rape are always immoral, humanity explains our outrage at paternalism. The good will and moral worth: kant rejects consequentialist thought that identifying what is worth pursuing for its own sake is then your moral duty to maximize this value; happiness has no value.