[RCSC 150B2] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 49 pages long Study Guide!

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68% of all american households have video games. Average age of a video game player is 35yrs old. Over 56% of american children play video games. General arousal theory- children become increasingly more aggressive regardless of video content. Social learning theory- children tend to practice aggression due to video game rewarding aggression. Children who play violent virtual reality games tend to have higher heart rate, and reported more dizziness and nausea. Less likely to compete in extracurricular activities leading to childhood obesity. Video games - positive theory strengthen a range of cognitive skills such as spatial navigation, reasoning, memory and perception, as well as deleting problem solving skills. 4 main factors for consumers that in uence consumer behavior: cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, psychological factors. Cultural factors are coming from the different components related to culture or cultural environment from which the consumer belongs. Culture is crucial when it comes to understanding the needs and behaviors of an individual.