PSY 150A1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Konrad Lorenz, Harry Harlow, Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

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Describe the changes that happen during the zygote, embryo, and fetus stages of prenatal development. Describe current theories about the causes of autism. Describe lawrence kohlberg"s (cid:885) stages of moral development. Define dementia and alzheimer"s disease, and what we know about their causes. Freud believe that we could access the unconscious: describe the 3 components of the freudian personality (id, ego, superego). Describe each of the following defense mechanisms: repression, projection, reaction formation, sublimation. Why do some psychologists embrace his ideas, while others. Describe the differences between general intelligence and multiple intelligences: there are 6 views about the definition of intelligence. # western view: ability to establish categories and debate rationally. # eastern view: ability to understand and relate to other people. # psychological view: capacity to understand the world, think rationally, use resources effectively when faced with challenges. Lots of ways to measure intelligence (math, verbal, spatial).