[CHEM 101A] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (93 pages long)

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Document Summary

The study of matter and the composition, the properties, and the transformation of that matter. Chemistry studies anything that can be touched, felt, seen, smelled, or tasted. A change in the properties of matter. Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up volume. Matter exists in three states known was liquids, solids, and gas. Maintains shape no matter where it is placed. Takes the shape of the container it is in. Can randomly move about and slide past each other. Particles are separated by distance larger than their size. Particles expand to fill volume and take the shape of the container they are in. Matter can be classified as a pure substance or a mixture. Made of one single component and its composition remains the same despite the size or origin. Cannot be broken down into other or smaller pure substances by physical change. Water, salt, sugar are examples of a pure substance.