PSY 321 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bone Density, Operant Conditioning, Meta-Analysis

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Prosocial behavior action intended to benefit another person, altruism action intended to benefit another person without regard of personal gain or consequences for oneself. Doing something without regard: all altruism is prosocial, but not all prosocial behavior is altruistic, mcguire (1994) - found 72 types of helping, causal help does not take a lot of time or effort; spontaneous. [ex: someone drops their books and you help them pick them up, giving directions, holding the door open for someone: substantial help takes time or effort. [ex: loaning someone money, helping someone move: emotional help providing someone with emotional support. [ex: giving advice, being a shoulder to cry on: emergency help helping in a life or death situation. [ex: performing cpr, calling 911: volunteerism chronic or long-term help. [ex: volunteering at boys & girls club or the humane society: evolutionary perspective argues that helping is adaptive - helps our species live long enough to reproduce.