CCJS 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Child Neglect, Genotype, Packet Switching

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Chapter 12: probation and intermediate sanctions (november 13, 2014) Probation and intermediate sanctions- sentences imposed for lesser offenses in an effort to avoid the expense and consequences of imprisonment. Parole- involves completing a sentence in the community after serving a term in prison. Parolees- often had been sent to prison for violent offenses or a lengthy list of other crimes, face especially significant challenges in seeking to reintegrate into the community. 1940s - therapeutic counseling: three important changes. Officer no longer acted primarily as a community supervisor charged with enforcing a particular morality. Officer became more of a clinical social worker who aimed at helping the offender solve psychological and social problems. Offender was expected to become actively involved in the treatment lets heal you, treat you, see what we can do so you don"t commit future crimes. Organizing of probation- probation falls under the executive branch (concern of state government)