BMGT 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Berkshire Hathaway, Corporate Social Responsibility, Leveraged Buyout

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Types of money: m1: cash flow (checks, m2: savings accounts, mm, m3: big deposits. 7 member board of governers: set monetary policy and supervise. 12 voting members fomc: includes board of governors + president of reserve banks. 12 federal reserve banks: main banks that implement policy and loan. 3 advisory councils: made up of various unions, etc (advise) Overlap but also different regions (cost-benefit analysis can"t cover it all) Whistleblowers: insiders who report illegal/unethical stuff (protected by anonymity, law, etc) Corporate social responsibility: welfare of society balance with profit. Corporate social initiatives: type of philanthropy focused on core competencies. Corporate responsibility: ethical responsibility (emission, minorities, safety) Corporate policy: written statement about ethical commitments. Social auditing: evaluation of corp progress with csr. Watchdog groups: investors, researchers, unions, customers, social workers. Partnership (8%) pooled skill + capital + time. Franchiser gives right to franchisees to use idea/product (mcdonalds) Everyone pools resources as public good (rural electric co)