PSY 351 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Horseradish Peroxidase, In Situ Hybridization, Phineas Gage

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10 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Dualism is mind & the body are different & exist independently. Descartes thought that the mind-brain consciousness interface was the pineal gland. How classic examples of brain damage support/refute ideas about the role of the brain in complex psychological processes such as consciousness, including the requirement of speech. Phineas gage - damage of orbitofrontal cortex - change in personality. This broached the idea that complex behaviors/traits could reside in specific brain areas. Paul broca showed that damage to a particular region of the left side of the brain reliably impairs speech production. What natural selection is, & how it might be applied to a behavioral trait: natural selection (not just survival of the fittest!) The diff in an individual can help some survive in their particular environment & have more offspring. The offspring are born with these helpful traits. As generations progress, these traits become more prominent in the population. What mendel did to be considered the father of genetics.