ES 310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: One-Repetition Maximum, Vo2 Max, Coronary Circulation

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Introduction to fitness: what are the five components of health related fitness (hrf) and gold standard for testing. Muscular endurance: sit ups, curls, push ups. Inter: different person same results as the other person measuring at same skill level. 150min/ week of moderate intensity (3-6 mets) exercise cuts risks of dying prematurely by 25% Regulation that health and human services created 30min a day 5 days a week. Id people at risk of disease (risk factors) Family history mi, death before 55 males, 65 females (first degree relative) Cigarette current smoker of quit within 6 months. Hypertension systolic >140mmhg diastolic > 90mmhg (2 times) or on bp meds. Hyper cholesterol total of 200mg/dl hdl < 40 ldl 100mg/dl. Obesity bmi of 30kg/m^2 waist >100cm women > 88cm. Sedentary life not having 30min moderate intensity 3 days a week for 3 months. Moderate risk with vo2max men >45 women>55 or two or more risk factors.