ES 207 Study Guide - Hemorrhoid, Korotkoff Sounds, Chemoreceptor

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Blood vessels outside the heart are divided into 2 classes: pulmonary vessels, transports blood from the rv lungs la, systematic vessels, transports blood from lv all parts of the body ra. Circulatory system = pulmonary vessels + systematic vessels. 5 functions of circulatory system: carries blood, exchanges nutrients, waste products, & gases with tissues, transports substances, helps regulate blood pressure, directs blood flow to the tissues. 3 main types of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, veins. Arteries: carries blood away from the heart: thick with a lot of elastic, high pressure, usually oxygen-rich blood, pumped from v"s of heart, elastic arteries, muscular arteries, arterioles. Tunics: 3 layers of the blood vessel wall (not in capillaries / venules) : tunica intima: Figure 13. 2 photomicrograph of an artery and a vein. Elastic arteries: largest in diameter, thickest walls, stretch when ventricles pump blood into them, ex: aorta, pulmonary trunk. Muscular arteries: medium-sized and small arteries, thick in diameter, smooth muscle cells.