COM 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Content Analysis, Peer Pressure, Physical Attractiveness

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Controlled- response based on thoughtful evaluation of available info: requires motivation and availability. Automatic/heuristic- response based on cognitive shortcuts drawn from experience & socialization. Message tactics: wide variety of possible tactics: efficacy often dependent on situation. Many rely on ingrained behavioral tendencies or responses: reciprocity- we should respond to the actions of others in kind. Key principle: proactively doing something for someone for future payment: consistency- once we make a choice or take a stand we encounter pressure (internal and social) to behave consistently with that commitment. We and others value consistency, especially powerful in public context: social proof- when we face uncertainty, we often look to see what others is doing, especially seems to be broad consensus. Peer influence is powerful: liking- we prefer to say yes to individuals we know and like. Applies to genuine liking, but also to shortcuts to more favorable reactions. Physical attractiveness, similarity, association with popular: authority- deeply ingrained principle of respecting authority.