PSC 206 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lyndon B. Johnson, Spoils System, Office Of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

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Document Summary

Leadership is the exercise of authority, whether formal or informal, in directing and coordinating the work of others. Pioneering studies conducted in late 1930s by ronald lippett and ralph. Under general direction of kurt lewin (leveen) at university of iowa. Original study: ten young boy"s hobby clubs were started and exhibited the three major leadership styles: authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire. Wanted to gauge the responses and efficiency of boys under each leadership style. Authoritarian - provided clear expectations on what should be done, how it should be done, and when it should be done very directive, my way or the highway . Best leadership style when the leader is the most knowledgeable of the group. Only boy who preferred this style was the son of an army officer. Democratic - offered guidance to group members, participated in group discussions, allowed for input from other group members encouraged group discussion. 19 out of 20 boys liked this style the best.