HY 106- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 170 pages long!)

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12 Oct 2017

Document Summary

English monarchy restored and louis xiv began rule french revolution: political theory that encouraged rulers to claim complete sovereignty within their territories. To 17th & 18th century absolutists, complete sovereignty meant that a ruler could: make law, dispense justice, create and direct a bureaucracy, declare war, levy taxation, all without the formal approval of any other governing authorities. In 1789 an outright political revolution occurred and the entire structure of absolutism came crashing to the ground. Empires: age of absolutism was also an age of empire, by 1660 all had established colonies in the americas and asia. Dutch: there was constant rivalry & intense competition between the colonial powers, by the middle 18th century european wars almost always had a colonial aspect. Other political theories: limited monarchies or republics. Poland-lithuania: autocracy western absolutist could imagine. The appeal and justification of absolutism: goals of absolutist monarchs: