HY 104 Study Guide - Final Guide: 442Nd Infantry Regiment (United States), First Red Scare, Cuban Missile Crisis

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Choose at least three groups and compare/contrast their experiences surrounding the war. Thesis: wwii represented a change for 3 different groups in the united states. Each group fought for what they believed to be their rights in the united states. Each group fought hard for their rights and wanted a chance to have rights equal to white men. While each group fought hard on the united states home front, some groups were fighting for more than just equal rights. African americans: they were forced to fight in the war and came home wanting equal rights. Double v. campaign: promoted by the ncaap and calls against blacks to help fight fascism at home and on war grounds and to fight for rights. Japanese: some japanese were excited to fight to prove themselves but some did not want to fight for a country that did not recognize them as citizens. Executive order 9066: 1942 institutes japanese internment.