COM 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tunxis Community College, Web 2.0, Technological Determinism

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Difference in web 1. 0 and web 2. 0. Web 2. 0 emphasizes social dynamics and information sharing: this casual perspective says: technologies create affordances, people decide their use. Social shaping of technology: which two ways can people inert cues into even the leanest of text- only media. Punctuation: what does baym mean when she says that the internet separates elves from bodies. Disembodied identities, disembodied audiences: according to this concept, strong ties are likely to use more media to communicate. Multiplexity: which is the most accurate description of interstitial communication. More frequent but shorter messages: despite technology promise to bring people together, it is more likely to push them apart. Dystopian technological determinism: which is a function of sns. Web 2. 0--- collaborative, user-generated content: the digital divide can be thought of in two ways. Identify two ways in which people can insert cues into even in the leanest of text only media.