PSYC 465- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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Increases as a result of stress response; restoring balance important for tx success: not necessarily causing the dx, but is associated with the maintenance of instability in the system. Influence (someone is forcing them to do things) them: can be bizarre or non-bizarre, disordered thinking/speech, derailment, loose associations, tangentiality, clanging, disorganization speaking (word salad, lack of insight that thoughts are unrealistic, positive vs. Eating disorders: what are eating disorders, food is central to survival, but many individuals develop a skewed attitude towards eating, eating disorders : group of disorders characterized by conflicts over food, weight, exercise, and body image. Substance-related and addictive disorders: substance use vs. Includes 10 separate classes of drugs: at least 2 sx"s within 12 month period, there are 10 listed substances in the dsm, ex. Alcohol use disorder: criteria (at least 2 or more sx"s) Includes : paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal: cluster b, dramatic/emotional/erratic. Includes : antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic: cluster c, anxious/fearful.