CRMJ 254- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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What is a crime victim: the study of the operations of the criminal justice system tends to focus on: What is the role of the crime victim in this whole process: a crime victim is a person who has suffered direct (or threatened) physical, emotional or monetary harm as a result of a crime. Have the primary role as victim in the criminal justice system. Their role is to help the prosecution"s case. Secondary - people who are close to the primary victims. Immediate family members left behind, spouses, children, etc. Have a role in the criminal justice system by a much lesser extent. Tertiary victims: victimologists - study factors that affect the likelihood of one becoming a victim within their lifetime. The relationship between crime and the criminal justice system. What rights do victims have: varies state by state, victim"s rights movement started gathering strength in the late 1970s and early.