BSAD 234 Study Guide - Final Guide: Telephone Consumer Protection Act Of 1991, Fda Food Safety Modernization Act, Consumer Protection

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Document Summary

Right to use someone else"s land: by necessity, by implication. Restrictions on land use that run with the land. Priv. prop can be taken for public use, w/ compensation. Occurs when regulation reduces or eliminates val of prop. Rule (law): an agency stmt designed to implement interpret or prescribe law and policy . Guidance documents warning letters courts may treat as high persuasive. Reasonable interpretation of governing statutes: did congress say something specific, did the agency reasonably interpret. Agencies enforce the rules through investigation, enforcement, and adjunction. Searches req a warrant, except: highly reg industries, authorized by statute, emergency. Admin law judges (aljs: lmtd discovery, judicial rules of evidence do not apply, although the process is becoming increasingly formal. Congress passed these laws, fda promulgates specific regulations under their authority. Fda also publishes informal guidance based on its regulations. Requires companies to register imposes restrictions in imports. Fda is working thru new rules to implement fsma.