CHEM 1031- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Atoms- submicroscopic particles that constitute the fundamental building blocks of matter. Molecules- atoms found two or more in a specific geometric arrangement. The properties of substances around us depend on the atoms and molecules that compose them, so the properties of carbon monoxide gas depend on the properties of the co molecules. Chemistry- the science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter by studying the behavior of atoms and molecules. Scientific laws, to begin with, are descriptions of why such phenomena occur or descriptions of the phenomena occurring itself. It does not explain the results or the reasons why such phenomena occurs. It merely makes things clearer by verbal or mathematical statement of a relation so that the science" of it is easy to understand. It is a description, a law, which is uncontestable because it is already proven and was already debated by the most brilliant minds.