ECO 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Research Question

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17 May 2016

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Does population/ city growth capture economic growth in 1400 to. People moving towards cities in 1400-1800 europe showed opportunity in jobs and thus availability in economic gain. Movement away from city after economic loss still holds true (detroit) Yet importance of living in a city (in modern day america) is not as necessary as it was in older times. Economic decline evident in population decrease more than economic growth. Push and pull factors of city migration: push economic factor: failure in agricultural rural areas, pull economic factor: job availability. De long & shleifer studied how differing political institutions contributed to economic growth prior to the industrial revolution. De long & shleifer found that countries with a strong executive branch did not experience greater economic growth. Yes, the sizes of european cities are indicators of commercial prosperity, center of commerce. Europe"s larger cities are important indicators of economic prosperity because they are highly visible.