PSYC 360- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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PSYC 360
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Psychology 360 Notes 1/26/2017 (Most of the class today we talked about Project 1 coming up)
Chapter 2 is not on the test ( if you do not have the background of anatomy then read sections
she will tell you to later on)
Project 1 maybe do starting to work out and talk about consequences like for example if you
worked out way too much and that discouraged you the next day from working out.
Self-Monitoring procedure is done through an excel sheet
Functional Analysis during the base-line part you will record antecedents in the environment and
social. Internal antecedents (how stress dim feeling might affect my physical activity or prepping
for an exam) Antecedent: could be someone that is helping you and reinforce the behavior
- Don’t forget discrete variable if the graph is not showing
- Functional analysis is very important
- Evaluation also a good chunk of points
- The project should be uploaded to eCampus
Chapter 3 Notes Today/Next class (Pgs. 50-57)
We actually will be talking about topics that will help us with Project 1
- A key approach is to modify the behavior/thoughts of the population about the behavior
such as smoking
o Examples prohibiting certain behaviors in certain places. For example: restaurants
such as smoking
- The focus on the project is not changing attitudes but the behavior itself
o Self-observation and self-monitoring you can begin to get more aware of your
behavior which leads them to being more capable of changing their behavior.
o Absence or what principal is causing this behavior
- Classical and Operant Conditioning
- What are the conditions and the environment causing for this behavior
- Behavior Analysis
o The first step is to understand the determinants of the behavior
o Functional Analysis: an assessment of the antecedent and consequences variables
associated with the target behavior to understand how they influence the behavior
Uses an experiment design that involves the manipulation of various
antecedent and consequent events and measurement of their effects on the
behavior of interest. This allows to determine the causes of the behavior
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- Functional Analysis of Behavior
o Determine which variables are associated with the target behavior of interest
o ABC Model
S = External Stimulus
O = Organismic variables (internal stimuli: thoughts, emotions,
motivational state)
R = Responses, operant , or respondent, internal or external
C = Consequences (reinforces or punishes
- Classical Conditioning
o Association between two stimuli are formed
o What determines if a behavior is being learned it is simply the contingency of
learning and repeating the bell and the behavior desired after
o Repeated pairings of the CS elicits a conditioned response (CR)
o Critical Contingency is between CS and US
o You will form an emotional conditional response like for example how do you
feel when you work out as opposed to when you do not or how you feel after you
work out.
- Kind of stopped taking notes right about here
- Classical Conditioning
o Aversion therapy
Example when you get drunk off of let’s say fireball and you cannot drink
fireball ever again. (Antabuse)
Alcohol UR (Relaxation)
o Relaxation Training
This is ideally used to help you /learn to overcome a challenge such as
This is NOT/ should not be used to escape the problem or the challenge
o Systematic Desensitization
o Chemotherapy nausea reduction
- Operant Conditioning
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Document Summary

Psychology 360 notes 1/26/2017 (most of the class today we talked about project 1 coming up) Chapter 2 is not on the test ( if you do not have the background of anatomy then read sections she will tell you to later on) Project 1 maybe do starting to work out and talk about consequences like for example if you worked out way too much and that discouraged you the next day from working out. Self-monitoring procedure is done through an excel sheet. Functional analysis during the base-line part you will record antecedents in the environment and social. Internal antecedents (how stress dim feeling might affect my physical activity or prepping for an exam) antecedent: could be someone that is helping you and reinforce the behavior. Don"t forget discrete variable if the graph is not showing. Evaluation also a good chunk of points. The project should be uploaded to ecampus.