PSYC 306 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mereology, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder

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Exam 4: november 20th chapters 7, 14 & 16. Psychoses: organic, brain, functional/psychosocial, schizophrenia illness, bipolar illness, unipolar depression. Gustatory- smell metalic: cultural differences in expression of hallucinations: 20 patients in us, india& ghana: usa: violence. 14 people heard voices telling them to hurt someone/themselves. 16 heard god telling them to do good things. Delusions: false beliefs about the environment, types: Self-destructive: sin& guilt: individual feels they"ve committed unpardonable acts, nihilistic: itellectual/ rare. Might be no objects at all-everything is just imaginary: epistempological: Life has no intrinsic meaning or value: moral/ethical: Morality doesn"t exist & is human: political: Rejection of law, family, government: hypochondriacal: imagine bodily things that aren"t true. Self-under attack: reference- character was created to makefun/harm me, in uence- i"m behaving strangely bc of something in my enviorment (the lamp,light, etc, persecution- individual feels under threat from some vague source. Self-enhancing: delusions of grandeur: make yourself feel better. There are healthy ways to do this.