PSYC 210- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 36 pages long!)

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The average american child watches tv for several hours a day. 75% of programs shown at evening prime time have sexual content. 10% of prime time shows have scenes in which sexual intercourse are teens or o young adults. Only 11% off tv shows with sexually related content make any reference to sexual health or responsibility. Many teens and preadolescents do not watch the same programs when they are alone that they are alone that they do when their parents are around. The average american child sees about 40,000 commercials each year on tv. Increase in recent years in sexualized images of men in advertisements for men"s magazines. The aim of sexy or romantic themes is identification, not product of information. Advertisements argue that the use of models in ads merely reflects the present cultural attitudes. Today the most commonly used search term is sex: over half of american teens have visited a sexually explicit website.