[POLS 206] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (29 pages long!)

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Road to revolution: life was good in the colonies. Unless you weren"t a white male: irritants arose. New taxes to finance the french and indian war. Enforcement of trade regulations that benefitted britain. No representation in parliament: displeasure spills over. No path for legistative change in parliament. Anger and frustration: the booklet common sense caused revolutionary sentiments to ignite, declaration of independence. 2nd continental congress and thomas jefferson list of abuses that justified revolution three audiences fellow colonists. Delegates" english heritage: power of ideas: john locke- british publisher (1632-1704) Fought to return to life much as it had been. Articles of confederation: national government was state-dominated. No power to regulate commerce: states feared a strong central government. Changes in the states: increases in liberty, democracy. If you were a white male: new middle class. Elite power threatened in some states by new class: legislatures held most governmental power. Closer to voters, so less likely to become autocratic.