PHYS 208 Midterm: PHYS 208 TAMU Exam 1 2010

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Area of a sphere = 4irr2 d = dx + dy dr = dr + rdoze. Please do not spend time doing non-trivial integrals. 1. (25 points) three equal charges are fixed at the three corners of a rectangle. 2. (25 points)an amount of charge q is distributed along the y axis from y = b to y=+a. I: find the difference in the electric potential between the two points r1 = xii + y1y = t1r and. 4. a. (25 points) ( 5 points) two concentric spheres have radii r1 and r2. A cone with vertex at the center of the spheres intersects an area a1 on the smaller sphere. What area does it intersect on the larger sphere? b. (15 points) consider the surface shown below: f7. The surface is a cube except for the top which has a weird shape. There is no charge contained within this surface. If there were an electric field given by.