PHIL 251 Study Guide - Final Guide: Indeterminism, Determinism, Compatibilism

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Free will = uncaused will indeterminism. Determinism = the causes guarantee only one effect. Acts freely done are those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent. acts not freely done are those whose immediate causes are states of affairs external to the agent. I could not have chosen to do otherwise Rejects compatibilism notion of free will because it is insufficient. The root of an event can be traced back to a cause that was not caused by. You being hungry isn"t causing your body to eat; you being hungry is telling your body that it is lacking, but it is your will that you fulfill your body"s request, or deny it--- without a single cause. If it is free you could have done otherwise. It is free if you had chosen to do otherwise, you would have done otherwise. Compatibilist = free will is compatible with determinism;