NRSC 335 Midterm: Exam 1 Review

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Exam 1 review guide (weeks 1 - 3) Social -> organ -> neural system -> brain region -> circuit -> cellular -> Australopithecus africanus - distinct cranial fractures; suggested club. History of the mind and brain wound to back of head -> suggested knowledge that brain was a vital organ. Trephination -> suggested knowledge that brain was linked with. Edwin smith surgical papyrus -> references to head injuries; correlated brain injury to changes in neurological. Thought mental functions were from the heart mental function. Brain cooled heart; mental faculties emerged from heart. Soul had 3 parts: intellect, higher passions and lower passions. Assumed ventricles is where the action is. 3 ventricles - perception, cognition, and memory. Vesalius - refined human dissection, didn"t reject the idea of spirits. Psychic pneuma - vital spirits (in regards to csf) Da vinci - poured wax to make 3d mold of ventricles; assumed there were 3 ventricles (reality - 3 compartments and 4 ventricles)