HIST 106 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–1968), Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Good Neighbor Policy

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India was an example: fascism, a philosophy of government characterized by a dictator. This lead to the seven years" war: george kennan, must contain the ussr from spreading, containment, us policy of keeping communism from spreading, berlin blockade, 1948-agreed of division in germany into four occupation zones controlled by the. American, soviets, british and french: when the western nations agreed to create west germany, the soviets closed off access to the occupation zones, marshall plan, post-world war ii european economic aid package developed by secretary of state. Us: declared that 1st amendment protected racial and revolutionary speech, even by. Communists, unless it was a clear and present danger to the safety of the country: greene vs. Us: engineer for us navy who was supposed sign loyalty pledge and he did. The navy wanted to see his file and they found that he had allegations made by his former wife, but there were no other witnesses.