[ANTH 204] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 49 pages long Study Guide!

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Developing an evolutionary perspective in the study of prehistory. Special creation: all organisms created by a judeo/christian god as outlined in the book of genesis, all organisms created for purpose of serving god, concept influenced by aristotelian philosophy of purpose. Immutability (unchangingness) and fixity of species: no changes to earth or its species since special creation. Catastrophism: dramatic catastrophes intensively and rapidly shaped earth"s surface during its brief history, noah"s flood. Observed that processes such as erosion and weathering shaped earth"s surface. Recognized the processes, and extra factors go into the shaping of earth: charles lyell. Further developed james hutton"s idea of the earth. Geological processes (e. g. , erosion, weathering) shaped the earth"s crust very slowly and gradually today and in the past. He thought the earth was millions of years old. Stone tools with extinct hippo bones in the same stratigraphic layer. Hoxne site, england, 1797: jacques boucher de perthes.