IST 195- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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231 million females (18-24) highest population of users. S-commerce: social, purchase of goods or services through social sites. E-commerce and social teams need to work together. Dark social: can"t track it, links that can"t be tracked. Don"t get attribution - marketers can"t attribute traffic to social/advertising. Cpc: cost per click- when customer clicks on advertisement. Enough to show how it"s going to work. Does not add extra formatting like a word processor. Change . htm or . html to identify as a web page. One of the most important parts of a code - search engine optimization, usability. Here are my feelings on donald trump"s orders. Line break - brings text to next line. Use the heading element to specify which distinctive font you wish to use. Users with visual disabilities cannot see the pictures- screen reader reads webpage and pictures. Goal of web designer: best quality image at lowest possible size.