CFS 331 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Baby Talk

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As part of the requirements for this course, you will observe children"s play at the bernice. The purpose of this assignment is to identify real-life examples of child development theory and information learned in this course. In addition, you will continue to strengthen your observation skills as well as further your understanding of the interpretation and conclusion process in assessment. The time scheduled for observation must be no shorter than 45 minutes, and no greater than 60 minutes. It is expected that you engage in professional behavior. For a professional appearance, dress neatly and conservatively. Arrive on time, introduce yourself and your purpose for the visit, and thank them for their assistance in helping you complete your project. 1. observation notes: when you begin your observation, you will identify one child to mainly observe. This child will be the focus of this assignment. You will engage in a running record of your observations.