[HIS 281] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (16 pages long!)

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Nearly all energy from the sun: sun-->photosynthetic plants -->us. Biosphere domination: tap sun"s energy by burning to produce light and heat. Only species to control fire and direct it for our purposes. Ability to cook --> more efficient access to nutrients-->pop. multiplication. Steam engine 200-300 years ago=more way to tap into ancient biomass. 2 principal sources of energy: heat/magma/gases from earth & radiation from the sun: former mostly relevant for deep ocean organisms. Mass of helium nucleus=0. 7% less than 3 h nuclei (missing part=energy) First life=prokaryotes like chlorophyll: evolution=when cyanobacteria was swallowed and incorporated into larger pro/eukaryotes. Respiration: animals take in stray os to turn food into energy, exhale co2. Prime mover: machine that converts natural energy into work: muscle, windmill, nuclear reactor, etc. O important: combination w/ other elements (oxidation) makes possible: digestion, rust, burning, gunpowder. Tools=extensions of teeth and nails, fire=most important revolution(other than maybe language_