HIS 280 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bracero Program, Executive Order 9066, Temporary People

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11 Jul 2019

Document Summary

An all-male program that began during wwii. Negotiation between u. s. and mexico -- during depression and 1930s, mexicans were blamed and deported. But during wwii, u. s. welcomed mexican labor again and imported temporary workers (guestworkers) to help build up our infrastructure. U. s. welcomed mexicans again because it was convenient u. s. immigration policy is inconsistent. Workers were deported to mexico again when their contracts (3-9 months) were up, which meant they were treated as temporary people and were unable to rise up economically. Men earned money and brought it back to their families in mexico. U. s. didn"t want whole mexican families settling down and bringing more foreigners. Every 3-4 years employers fought to continue the program. Were promised transportation, sanitary housing, food, and prevailing wage (the average wage an american would get). Became the slaves we rented -- treated as tools of labor.