CSE 220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Radix, Double-Precision Floating-Point Format, Negative Number

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In two"s complement, we always ignore the extra bit when adding. It just gets dropped without carrying over like one"s complement. In problem 11b) in the practice quiz, there is not overflow since two negative numbers are added to produce a negative number. If the msb was 0 instead, it shows that there"s overflow since it indicates that adding two negative numbers creates a positive result. If there is an extra bit in one"s complement, we will carry over the extra bit regardless if it is the 0 or a 1 and add it to the lsb (right-most bit) 16a) convert 7. 4 to ieee 754 representation for single and double precision. Fraction (23-bits): 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 011. Shift decimal point 2 points to the left (normalize the solution) Answer: 0 10000001 11 0110 0110 to fill 23 bits. For double precision, the fraction is 52 bits. Now we split into the single precision format.