ANP 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Common Hepatic Duct, Common Bile Duct, Cystic Duct

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Located at the base of the esophagus and functions to prevent. Partially digested, semiliquid food mixed with digestive enzymes and acids in the. 7. drop of bile from gallbladder to the small intestine: pancreatic duct. 8. drop of bile from liver to gall bladder: cystic duct. 9. gastric ulcers: eating due to increase in acid) Right/left hepatic duct common hepatic duct . Peptic ulcers that occur in the stomach, severe burning pain (especially after. Regulates the activity of producing pepsinogen and hal. 11. the _____ has a wide lumen, while the _____ has a narrow lumen. 12. the _____ has short & numerous arterial arcades, while the ______ has long arterial. 13. helicobacter pylori: imbalance where gastric acid makes it way to epithelial layer and leads to ulcers. Produces enzymes that break down mucous layer which leads to. 15. internal iliac artery: main artery of the pelvis.