PHS 3506 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hypha, Toxoid, Ploidy

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Lecture 7 vocabulary: yeast, lecture: type of fungus. Inside host: unicellular eukaryote, limited spore formation, textbook: simple fungal cell which reproduces by budding, yeast transmission is typically host flora becoming pathogenic, mold, lecture: type of fungus. Outside host: release of spores in the air, dimorphic, lecture: associated with primary fungal disease, can cause disease in healthy individuals, can transition from mold to yeast states. Formation of a daughter bud or bleb off the parental year. Infectious yeast that can contain a toxin: special class of spore forming class of yeast that can colonize due to failures in immune system, spherule, bacteria like yeast cells that have high adhesion. Invasive: harder to treat than dermal, most side effects, dissemination, gets into, phenotypic switching, unicellular to multicellular, change in physical appearance, helps with penetration of epithelial layer, candidiasis. Important component of fungal plasma membrane: glucan, chitin. Lecture 9 vocabulary: pseudopods, type of mobility, (cid:862)fal e-feet(cid:863).