BIOL 330- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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6 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Masters and johnson performed the first systematic studies of the human sexual response. They brought men and women into their laboratory and observed the physiological changes that occurred as people became sexually aroused and had orgasms. Based on these observations, they developed a model of the human sexual response that consisted of four phases: 1) excitement, 2) plateau, 3) orgasm and 4) resolution (epor model). Each of these phases is characterized by a constellation of physiological changes that include changes in blood flow to the genitals, as well as more global physiological changes. During the excitement phase of the sexual response, blood flow increases to the genitals. The clitoris becomes engorged with blood, but the increase in vasocongestion may or may not take the form of a visible increase in the diameter of the clitoris or it becoming obviously tumescent or erect. Vasocongestion of the labia minora occurs, which can cause them to double in diameter.