ENS 438 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hardcore Wrestling, Disability Classification In Golf, Cultural Relativism

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Know something about the three basic social theories as they might be applied to sports injury and illness (conflict, interactionism, functionalism) Views society as a system largely dominated by social inequality and social conflict. Societies are viewed as being in a constant state of change, characterized by disagreements over goals and values, competition among group with unequal amounts of power and hostility. Conflict theorists perceive whatever societal order exists to be dictated by the most powerful groups. Example: access to sport (and injury) by class or gender is subject to social, economic, and legal issues. Focuses on small scale, every day interactions among people. Society is viewed as the outcome of infinite number of episodes of interaction each day. Individuals interpret social messages and base their responses on these interpretations. Example: how injuries might be influenced by peer pressure (structural) functionalism. Macro perspective (examining society as a whole)