ENS 304 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lactate Dehydrogenase, Phosphagen, Glycolysis

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Explain which programming variable (i. e. volume or intensity) influences fuel utilization most significantly. Intensity influences fuel utilization significantly because anytime a change in intensity occurs, the body utilizes the anaerobic (phosphagen first, then fast glycolytic) energy system. Discuss how the sources of fuel (fats, carbohydrates) differ by intensity and duration. Carbohydrates: utilized as fuel during high intensity, short duration exercise when the anaerobic system is being used. Fats: utilized as fuel during low intensity, long duration exercise when the aerobic system is being used. Explain the basic role and timing of use of each energy system. The anaerobic pathways have a limited energy source, carbohydrates, produce energy rapidly (for any change in intensity or additional energy), and does not use oxygen. Uses adp to form atp and creatine phosphate. Used from ~10 seconds to until the oxidative system kicks in (2-3 minutes) Uses all 3 macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) Used for long distance training (i. e. exercising >3 minutes)