CHEM 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Energy Drink, Spectrophotometry, Absorbance

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Procedure: refer to pages 1 and 2 of my lab manual to find a general outline of the steps to be followed for this experiment. The fertilizer had a concentration of 2. 80 g/l. The energy drink i used was coke and i added 1 ml of this to 29 ml of di water to create the dilution. Absorption of standard solution at 375 nm (a ) Absorbance of ammonium vanadomolybdate (a ) at 375 nm. In this lab, my partner and i used the spectrophotometer and the el value to find the concentrations of several fertilizer and energy drink samples. We used this el value to solve for the amount of phosphate in these different solutions, which were diluted and undiluted. For the energy drink portion of the experiment, my partner and i chose different drinks. When comparing my results to those given in the experiment, many of the values were very close to each other.