NUR240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nursing Care Plan, Calcium Channel Blocker, Atorvastatin

118 views41 pages
18 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Implement a medically supervised exercise plan: reduce dietary saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. Increase soluble fiber in diet: eliminate tobacco use, statins. Ineffective health management: deficient knowledge (drug therapy, risk for bleeding, drugs for lipid disorders, planning, goals for patient, to reduce serum-lipid levels, ability to explain hyperlipidemia, ability to verbalize how to follow therapy. Implementation: encourage compliance with medication regimen, provide education regimen, drugs for lipid disorders, evaluation. Ideal outcome criteria: lowered serum-lipid levels, no organ damage, no injury, patient verbalizes importance of prescribed medications. Review questions: the patient is to begin taking atorvastatin (lipitor) and the nurse is providing education about the drug. Which symptom related to this drug should be reported to the health care provider: constipation, increasing muscle or joint pain, hemorrhoids, flushing or hot flash , a patient is receiving cholestyramine (questran) for elevated low-density lipoprotein (ldl) levels.