01:920:101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Sociological Imagination, Sociological Theory, Social Fact

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Document Summary

The systematic study of human social life, groups, societies and the social context in which behavior occurs. The sociological imagination (mills) and answering of sociological questions. Someone using the sociological imagination thinks himself away from the familiar routines of daily life. The application of imaginative thought to the asking. Personal troubles (mills) individual and within the range of his immediate relations with others . Personal troubles of the milieu: occur within the character of the. Public issues (mills) transcend these local environments and have do with the organization of the institutions of a society as a whole. Public issues of social structure: have to do with matters that. The distinctive, stable arrangement of institutions whereby human beings in a society interact and live together. Social structure is often treated together with the concept of social change, which deals with the forces that change the social structure and the organization of society.