01:840:112 Final: Final Exam Notes

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D+a in eastern religions hinduism, buddhism, chinese religions. Eastern religion (cyclic way of life- rebirth/reincarnation)- polytheistic/no gods- no creeds- no belief system. Samsara- life seen as an unending cycle of births and rebirths- can be liberated from cycle. Very old religion- oldest religion of the world- don"t know when it began- don"t know who founded it- no hierarchy/organized structure- no head of hinduism. No one system of beliefs accepted by all hindus. Vedas- foundation of hinduism- very ancient texts (vedic religions)- collection of many books- written over 100s/1000s of years. ~1500 bc- time when vedas was composed. Aryans (either outside of india/from india- don"t know) composed the vedas texts. Many parts of vedas- generally have 4 vedas- 4 vedic traditions. 1st veda: rig veda- consists of hymns addressed to gods and goddesses. Hymns chanted during rituals and sacrificed by priests. Personifications of the forces of nature ex. gods= sun, wind. Forces of nature control everything in the world.