01:830:351 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lexicon

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The material that i covered in today"s class will not be heavily stressed, but there may be a question or two. Here are the key things you should know: cross modal priming -- what predictions are made by a strictly bottom-up model vs. a bottom-up and top-down model, neural bases of lexicon/lexical access: idea of localizationist vs. distributed models. Not need to know about brain regions: models of lexical access: be able to read a model with respect to the dimensions covered in class. Here are some examples to get you started. There are a couple of morphology examples on our sakai site under resources/exercises e. g. , Root = brand, inflectional = ed, derivational = re B statements = 3. root = state. derivational = ment, inflectional = s Root = state, inflectional = s, derivational = re in and ment