01:830:340 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reduced Affect Display, Avolition, Schizophrenia

70 views1 pages
12 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Hallucinations are a possible symptom of schizophrenia, and may other disorders, in which the person affected is experiencing or seeing things that are not part of reality. Hallucinations can occur in any of the five senses. A flat affect is the lack of emotional expression. Flat affects can be seen in those speaking in monotone voices, failing to express any facial expressions, and other behaviors of that nature. Flat affects often occur in those diagnosed with schizophrenia. Avolition is a symptom of schizophrenia in which the person affected cannot, or has difficulty, completing everyday tasks and taking part in normal activities. Both hallucinations and flat affects are seen in schizophrenia patients as well as patients who suffer from other disorders. Schizophrenia is a hard disease to diagnose, many times psychiatrists get it wrong, and diagnose schizophrenia in patients who have a different kind of personality disorder.