01:830:338 Study Guide - Final Guide: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Rorschach Test, Thematic Apperception Test

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18 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Study guides for cumulative part of final (1-15) Chapter 4: studying the trait approach, traits are consistent over time, focuses on the individual, pro: attempts to understand how people differ, con: neglects the common aspects of personality that everyone shares, correlational studies. Chapter 5: convergent validation- assembling various pieces of info that converge to a common conclusion inter-judge agreement- consistency of info obtained from different judges, predictive validity- the extent to which a score on test predicts future performance. Chapter 6: single trait approach- examines the link between personality and behavior by asking, many-trait approach- works from the opposite side of single trait, asks who likes to do. Neuroticism): openness- creative, liberal, artistic, conscientiousness- competent, dutiful, striving for achievements, agreeableness- warm, cooperative, conformity, extraversion- positive emotions, react less to sensory stimuli, gregarious, dominant, optimistic, neuroticism- self-conscious, impulsive, sensitive to stress, hostile, ineffective problem solver.