01:830:321 Midterm: Social Psychology Exam 3 Review

119 views12 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Important source of info - important part of our identity - establish social norms. The power of norms to shape behavior becomes clear. When we violate them too often: we are shunned by other group members and in. Group- two or more people who interact and care interdependent in the sense that their needs and goals cause them to influence each other. Survival advantages exist when people are in groups. Most groups have 2-6 members [university isn"t a group, too many students] Members of a group tend to be alike in age, sex, beliefs, and opinions. Social norms-powerful determinant of our behavior all societies have norms about which behavior are acceptable extreme cases pressured to leave the group. Social roles- shared expectations in a group about how particular people are supposed to behave. Most groups have a number of well-defined social roles. Like social norms roles can be very helpful, because people know what to expect from each other.