01:830:313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multipolar Neuron, Central Nervous System, Unipolar Neuron

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Vocabulary: blindsight: associated with damage to the portion of the cortex involved in vision. Mental behavior, like physical behavior, is fundamentally biological and not spiritual [science perspective: neoteny: a slowing of the process of maturation, allowing more time for growth; an important factor in the development of large brain. Important people: rene descartes- 17th century philosopher and mathematician, was a dualist but serves as an inspiration to monists, soul controls muscles through movements of pineal body, once set in motion, all behavior is. These dendritic branches can also emerge from the nerve cell body: bipolar neuron: a bipolar cell is a type of neuron which has two extensions. Bipolar cells are specialized sensory neurons for the transmission of special senses. Cns: astrocytes- many functions, oligodendrocytes- form myelin sheaths. Since the na+ is positively charged, it makes the inside of the axon a little more positively charged. The sodium keeps rushing in until the inside is positive relative to the outside.